Tag: by day

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    Kirklees Light Railway train ride: A fun day out in Yorkshire for the littlest ones

    The attraction, a cute little narrow-gauge railroad, runs from Kirklees past Cuckoo’s Nest and the village of Skelmanthorpe through a long, dark tunnel to stop at Shelley. At the end of the line, which was once used to transport mined coal from the nearby mountain road to the wash site (probably not narrow gauge at…

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    Chatsworth House

    Ich bin großer Downton Abbey Fan (im realen Leben bekannt als Highclere Castle), aber dieses „House“ toppt es noch mal. Zwar war ich vor zwanzig Jahren schon einmal hier, allerdings sieht man die Welt durch Kinderaugen doch etwas anders. Neben dem Fakt, dass der echte Duke, also ein Herzog, einfach an uns vorbei“geschlufft“ ist, als…

  • Cannon Hall Farm – pigs & playground perfect for a family day out

    Cannon Hall Farm – pigs & playground perfect for a family day out

    Our trip to a farm, known from the English TV, with lots of outdoor activities such as a sheep race or ferret race and a great playground for all ages.

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    Shopping in Tokyo

    >> deutscher Artikel unten 8.4 km by foot through Ginza quarter – 8,4 km zu Fuß durch Ginza My first “real” day off is today, Saturday. Yes, it was a holiday on Thursday, but I used it to catch up on my sleep and that doesn’t count 🙂 The first impressions of Japan (which only…

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    Travel tips for Tokyo – where to get cash, paying contactless and Tokyo Metro first steps

    First impression of Tokyo, Travel Tips and things the Japanese do differently Today is the beginning of spring and the cherry blossom is about to bloom.Of course the vernal equinox day is an occasion for an official holiday for the Japanese. Although, it’s not the same as in Europe, because only the office workers are…

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    Street Art in George Town zu Fuß erkunden

     Tag 11 – Penang, Malaysia – 19:30 Uhr alle Mann an Bord – 20:00 Uhr Ablegen Nachdem wir uns am Vormittag in Jurassic Park-Manier Orang Utans angeschaut haben, haben wir nun noch einen halben Tag Zeit, den Anlegeort zu Fuß zu erkunden. Angenehm ist, dass wir heute alles im direkten Umkreis der Mein Schiff 3…

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    Ausflug zum Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island

     Tag 11 – Penang, Malaysia – 19:30 Uhr alle Mann an Bord – 20:00 Uhr Ablegen Heute hatten wir zwar keinen Tender an Land – anders als die Gäste der Queen Mary 2, deren Schiff beim Frühstück unsere Aussicht verschönert hat – ein wenig Boot gefahren sind wir dennoch. Zum Orang Utan Zentrum, einer Insel,…

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    Somewhere in the South China Sea

    Mein Schiff Southeast Asia cruise: Day 9 – 17.1 knots, wind from the east, no swell to speak of The day ripples along as we alternate between sunbathing and going to the theater for the country lectures. Who would have thought that a political scientist on board a cruise ship would prove to be such…

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    Chinese New Year in Saigon

    Mein Schiff Southeast Asia cruise: Day 8 – Phu My/ Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam Today we have decided for the transfer to HCMC offered by the ship, since we have found on the one hand comparable prices in the net for cab transfers, on the other hand again a little expenditure would have…

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    Cooking course in Bangkok

    Thanks to the exact indication of the position via Google Maps, we found the location without any problems, even if the backyard alley and the entrance door didn’t seem to inspire confidence at first. Mae, our chef for the day, and Ja, her helper in the kitchen, put on a great course. There were two…