Building a house in Germany

Julia and Daniel are building a house – our new building in the construction diary and a lot of useful info

When it comes to their private lives, Julia and Daniel are most interested in their construction site at the moment – and taking care of building a house in Germany, their house, is by far the most time-consuming task at the moment. Follow the construction “live”, get inspiration and all the information that you don’t have as an inexperienced builder – you’ll find it here.

“We just got ourselves up to our ears in debt. That had to sink in. Ultimately, though, we’d spend more money on lifetime rent and use it to fund someone else’s lifelong dream or retirement plan.”

– Julia and Daniel after the financing appointment at the bank

If you want to understand how the construction of a house with a developer in Germany went, and, in the case of Julia and Daniel, specifically the construction of the “Edition 600″ house with Viebrock, take a look at the following topics.

Building a house in Germany – a How-to-Guide

Step by step to home ownership

Building a brick house: News from the construction site of the Edition 600 by Viebrock