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Construction diary #03: Demolition of old structures- The shed is razed to the ground

By a hair, it would have been really, really expensive for us! No, I’m not talking about the demolition costs alone. Our neighbors, who previously owned that part of the property, had asked us if they could continue to use the shed until it was demolished – as a garage for their car. This was no problem for us, because we didn’t want to store anything in a demolition building anyway, and we hadn’t used the property until then. However, the so far lively exchange between us went wrong the one time and we had not told them the exact date when the demolition company would come, because this “small” detail with the car had just slipped our mind. Thus, without the watchful eye of our neighbor, the excavators would have demolished the hut by a hair, although the car was still inside!

Otherwise, there’s nothing exciting to report. No permit required, since it was an outbuilding, no special specifications to follow. If you are also demolishing, it is worthwhile for larger buildings to remove any materials that need to be disposed of. This happened to friends of ours who had torn out all the cables and other materials from an old residential building before the demolition contractor arrived. Again, this saved money, as the work was not necessary and only rubble and no hazardous waste had to be disposed of.

It’s also worthwhile to obtain several quotes from locally based companies and compare prices, as also mentioned in this post.

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