Tag: parent’s diary

  • When grandpa lurks outside the delivery room

    About a birth trauma of a different kind Finally, she’s here! After months of sleep deprivation during pregnancy, because my bladder had grown to about the size of a ping pong ball and I had already gained a taste of what was in store for us now that we had a child, I finally made…

  • Two pacifiers and a puzzle piece

    Why children sleeping in the marital bed is not a good permanent solution The title describes my finds this evening before my own bedtime: A puzzle piece, at least made of cardboard and not wood – which slightly increases the comfort factor when lying on it – and two pacifiers found under the covers in…

  • Parenting and especially mom fashion, colorful and cheerful

    Why fashion for adults is also “beautiful” colorful, as soon as it has to do with children …unfortunately I do not know either! Mom fashion unfortunately adapts far too often to the child. Basically, I try to avoid everything that has to do with idols of childhood. Prints of all kinds – please do not.…

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    Style in the children’s room: Scandinavian minimalist design

    …and why the “high-gloss nursery” remains a myth An episode on the subject of style in the nursery has remained in my memory during the purchase of my wedding dress – I was already clearly pregnant. The saleswoman told me about her son and her view of style. The eight-year-old was not allowed to have…

  • Zero Followers – should parents be allowed to upload their kids’ lifes on social media?

    I’m a child of the late 80s – videos were made at Christmas and birthdays at best. With a video camera, which is more cumbersome to make videos than my laptop today and about as heavy and was recorded on tapes. Today’s generation of children doesn’t even know what the square pencils were used for…

  • Pedagogy experiment on your own child: What to do in case of tantrums?

    Anger management: shouting until someone gives in …and usually that’s me. You can read parenting guides on toddler tantrums galore, but your own child falls into the category of “first things don’t happen, and second things don’t happen”. So what to do when the child is so old that they not only has a will…

  • Hiding in home office

    About the advantages and disadvantages of working from home for working parents It’s 2:16 p.m. That gives me about five minutes to get a cup of tea before the kids get back from daycare. Daniel has already vacated his workstation at the dining table and disappeared into the bedroom – one of our two extremely…