Why did this part of the blog come into being?
Neither did I follow a firm decision nor did I really have the goal in mind “The blog must be expanded by a topic”. But there were some things that I either had to smile about or rolled my eyes or clicked my tongue indignantly because I thought to myself, “you can’t be serious, do you actually listen to yourselves?
A little later came the partial realization that I was probably one of them: we’re talking about normal parents.
– Julia, desperate
Especially by parents of small children – the sort who, of course, don’t find anything funny about smelling their offspring’s not-so-fresh diaper in the middle of the pedestrian zone to determine whether it’s time for a little pit stop. Or repeating the same Gaga phrase five times at a pitch that is not only alarming to one’s own eardrums.
I heard various idiosyncrasies little by little among us and our circle of acquaintances, and at some point I started to make a note of them. For self-reflection? Possibly. And the older the children got, the longer this list became – so it was high time to ask myself:
Is it just me?
For my husband, who is partly to blame for this blog (as for many other good things in my life).
For my daughter, who showed me what unconditional love is, and that I can definitely make exceptions to it at night.
For my son, who would certainly have drooled over this blog, if a “blog” was something to touch.
At this point, you can read about our experiences on the way to raising our children to become independent beings. Sometimes we succeed better, sometimes we are completely wrong. Maybe you will find comfort in reading this, because you will realize that you are not alone with worries, fears or sleeplessness. Hopefully you’ll have to smile every now and then about what we experience, because: this part of the blog should ultimately also show that a family is something wonderful and that we don’t let difficult challenges get us down.
More of the parent’s diaries
“Born“ Moms: Preparing for All Life’s Challenges
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Baby equipment essentials – the ultimate list
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When grandpa lurks outside the delivery room
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Two pacifiers and a puzzle piece
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Style in the children’s room: Scandinavian minimalist design
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Zero Followers – should parents be allowed to upload their kids’ lifes on social media?
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