
“That extra round is free of charge”

LH2075 from HAM to MUC

This seems to be the motto of my attempt to fly to Tokyo… Today is already the second time for me trying to do just that, and now right before touching down in Munich, strong winds hit the airplane from the side, making it unstable to land. So the captain announced we would be landing shortly and the “extra round is free of charge”, speeding up at what felt like only 20 meters of height above the landing strip.

Well then… Yesterday I already tried going to Tokyo, but since the first leg of the trip was delayed so much I couldn’t have made the long-haul from DUS to NRT, I rebooked to today’s flight via Munich. A little bit bumpy due to the weather, this flight is almost on time (huge difference between EW and LH when it comes to liability, obviously). Let’s see how this trip continues.



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