Halloween feeling

Last weekend we really wanted to go to the city and do something; but as always, it was raining. What else to expect as soon as you start the weekend…? What many don’t expect is that my home town offers real cool indoor activities apart from a standard museum visit. Since Halloween is coming up we came up with Hamburg Dungeon!

I’m quite a fan and I’ve also been to the Dungeon’s in Newcastle, London and Amsterdam –  they’re equally as cool. Every time I go the actors scare the hell out of me and are hilarious at the same time. Besides, it’s no fiction but based on real medieval events. In Hamburg they have many options to choose from actually – the Plague, floods, the Great Fire and more… The cool thing is that this time it was totally different from what I saw a couple of years ago when I visited the Dungeon for the first time. Luckily we bought our tickets online in advance – it can get really crowded and especially on rainy days like last Saturday we were better off with this option. When we arrived they were sold out for the day already. You get a designated time of entry, so you basically don’t queue at all.

After 1.5 hours of scary entertainment we decided to go to the movies. A great place to kill time and indulge in some cocktails is Sands Bar right next to the Dammtor cinema in the city center. I will try and cover all other good options to get some drinks, but for the time being, that should do 🙂 See you there next time!

//Halloween feeling: Hamburg Dungeon

//bar: Sands Bar

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