Schlagwort: London

  • Christbaumschmuck aus aller Welt – eine Sammlung für die Ewigkeit
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    Christbaumschmuck aus aller Welt – eine Sammlung für die Ewigkeit

    schreibend im ICE 845 von DUS nach Bochum Ich hab ja so manchen Tick, wenn es darum geht, Erinnerungen festzuhalten. Unter die Kategorie „komplett kitschig und fernab jeglicher Ästhetik“ fallen dabei Christbaum-Anhänger. Ähnlich wie in London beim Carnaby Street Carnival, den ihr auf dem Foto seht, ist unweit der Oxford Street in Londons Stadtzentrum alles auf…

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    Public transport in London – no need to top up the Oyster Card anymore

    For me as a part-time geek, one of the coolest things about London public transport was the possibility to just tab the yellow card reader with my contactless credit or debit card and never have to buy a ticket again. Instead of using the Oyster Card which you had to top up manually at the…

  • Breakfast in an igloo by the Thames

    BA972 from LHR to HAM We decided to spend the Saturday in London. Since it is fairly irrelevant from where we work on Fridays plus we can always visit our offices around the globe, we had the chance to stay for the weekend. I did a little research for a nice breakfast place in London…

  • London by night – London bei Nacht

    Finally I get to show you some of my favorite spots around Christmas time! Look at the pics below to see the magnificent Carnaby Street Carnival, impressions of Shoreditch (the nightlife spot for all you night owls out there) and Chinatown.   [FinalTilesGallery id=’17‘]

  • Chinatown Gate, London, UK

  • Hold the Handrail, London! I’m coming back

    Hooray – booked my flights to London today, so I’ll be coming back again very soon. Whereas I only had the chance to go for the nightlife last time (hanging out in the office is just half the fun) I will now see this beautiful spot in bright daylight. Can’t wait to see London in…

  • Waxy in da House

    EW7464 from HAM to LHR After a successful meeting, which was the purpose of my side trip to London, I was able to continue the acquaintance with my colleagues from the UK. It always helps to strengthen the cooperation when you get the chance to meet someone in person, I think. The whole office meets…