
See you later, Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City

Sông Sài Gòn is the original name of the Saigon river flowing through HCMC. Before already leaving the country again we were curios to see if HCMC’s port resembles Hamburg at least a bit. We quickly realized that the port area itself is not reachable by foot so we made the best of it and started strolling by the river, returning to the center.

To be prepared for shopping we check out prices here – assuming that it is always more expensive in a major city. The first quote without bargaining is 150,000 Dong (5-6 Euros) for a scarf (some brand name was on it, but as always these well-made fakes come in many varieties and colors of which you can pick – everything is possible!). Another pretty cool thing is the rice bowl with a chopstick hole so you can rest your chopstick on the bowl without having it get messy on the table. This item was on sale for 80,000 Dong (3 Euros). We’d love to have some of these at home so we’ll watch out for better start prices and start bargaining later.

A side note on the prices: A regular taxi ride is about 5 Euros and covers the distance between city center (District 1) and the airport.

This should be the last activity for now in the country, because in the afternoon we are leaving for Cambodia already – see you again soon, Vietnam!

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