Schlagwort: Hotel

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    Frontier Land: A visit to Sapa and the highlands

    Hanoi – Sapa Our transfer to Sapa came with the hotel reservation. There are other options to get to this quite remote place close to the Chinese border, all of which take longer. We wanted to make the most of it and enjoy the next days to the fullest, so we are quite lucky to…

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    Arriving in Hanoi: About the Old Town, Pho and Hoan Kiem Lake

    Hue – Hanoi The plane that takes us to Hanoi, the big metropolis of the North, arrives after only 55 minutes. Again, they are super-fast with the luggage. Vietnamese efficiency. After only ten minutes we are looking for a taxi, our luggage at hand. We approache a probably French guy who is waiting next to…

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    Hue today – sights of a Vietnamese city

    Hue We arrive in the old emperor’s city by train in the early afternoon and take a taxi to our hotel. The place is neat and cozy, the staff super-friendly and it costs us about USD 30 per night. An obligatory visit for me, we are going to the town’s market. It is huge and…

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    Hoi An, the only city spared from the war

    The first time we experience rain by day, even the chicken hide underneath some large bowls made for drying rice or other food in the sun. Even the rain cannot take away the charm of Hoi An, the only Vietnamese Ancient Town that was entirely spared from US-Vietnam war. As a European I am not…

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    Rooftop pool and other perks

    The rooftop pool with its stunning infinity view is open until 10:00 pm. We thought the chance would be great to get some pics of Ho Chi Minh City by night.  At 09:57 pm we we done taking pictures, unlucky they already closed the door. Well, descending the outer stairwell was not an option, so…

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    Finally, arriving in Vietnam

    AB4110 (Etihad), from AUH to SGN As this is my first trip to Asia (I don’t count in those family trips to Turkey when I was younger) it feels strange to arrive in the evening (07:00 pm) after a long-haul. Normally I would now need to kill almost an entire day. This time I am…