Schlagwort: Fitness

  • Wasserpark Wild Wadi, Dubai

    Wasserpark Wild Wadi, Dubai

    AIDA Orient Kreuzfahrt: Tag 1 ca. 12:50 Uhr (VAE +3h) …läuft bei uns. Nach einer kurzen Schiffserkundung stellen wir fest, dass es natürlich noch kein Gepäckstück aufs Zimmer geschafft hat. Dafür haben wir uns jetzt entschieden, zum Wild Wadi Wasserpark, einem nassen Vergnügungspark mit unzählig vielen Rutschen, zu fahren. Das Wetter war erst so neblig,…

  • Frankfurt Morning Glory

    This is one of the stunning views you get to see when staying at Frankfurt Marriott Hotel, a place which I will at times call my second home. Just started on a project in this town, my very first in my young career as a consultant, so I wonder if this place can become my…

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    The return to Hanoi

    Sapa – Hanoi Before we say goodbye to this absolutely stunning part of Vietnam we dare to get on the bikes, again. Starting at 09:30 am, this third tour of ours lasts 2 hours. Again, we have the opportunity to gain even new sights of the country, and see it from a different perspective. On…

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    Hill riding in the frontier land

    Sapa Considering we went to sleep at the top of a mountain, the night rest was very comforting. The absence of „industrial“ noise can be distracting, for us as Western Europeans, but especially for those Vietnamese metropolitans. There were no horns, no traffic noise, no people chatting, crying, arguing or else. In these moments you…

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    Frontier Land: A visit to Sapa and the highlands

    Hanoi – Sapa Our transfer to Sapa came with the hotel reservation. There are other options to get to this quite remote place close to the Chinese border, all of which take longer. We wanted to make the most of it and enjoy the next days to the fullest, so we are quite lucky to…

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    Hoi An, the only city spared from the war

    The first time we experience rain by day, even the chicken hide underneath some large bowls made for drying rice or other food in the sun. Even the rain cannot take away the charm of Hoi An, the only Vietnamese Ancient Town that was entirely spared from US-Vietnam war. As a European I am not…